Binary Search Tree for Dummies

3 min readApr 10, 2022

A binary search tree is an ordered or sorted binary tree.

What’s a binary tree, you ask?

A binary tree is a node-based data structure where each node has at most two children.

A Left and right child node.

Still vague? Yes? How do we identify a binary search tree from other tree data structures?

Well, a BST has a few properties we can use for validation.

Properties of BST

  • The node value at the left node is ALWAYS lesser than the current node’s value.
  • The node value at the right node is ALWAYS greater than the current node’s value.
  • The left and right nodes MUST be BSTs by satisfying the properties above.

That said, there are basic operations that can be performed on a BST:

Create— We can create an empty tree

Insert — We can insert nodes to a tree

Delete — We can delete nodes from a tree

Search — We can search for nodes in a tree

To search a BST, we will need to traverse the tree — we can traverse a tree in different orders.


Depth-first order — Traverses the tree nodes in-depth before moving to the next sibling. Pre-order, in-order and post-order traversals are different ways to traverse a tree in a depth-first approach.

Pre-order — Visits the current node, traverses the left subtree and then right subtree

Pre-Order Traversal

In-order — Traverses the current node left subtree, then visits the current node and traverses the right subtree

In-Order Traversal

Post-order — Traverses the current node left subtree, then traverses the current node right subtree, then visits the current node.

Post-Order Traversal

Breadth-first order — Traverses the tree in a level-order fashion. It traverses all nodes on the same level before going to the next level depth.

Level-Order Traversal

Let’s create a BST class.

See? It looks so simple. Next time, I’ll work through examples of inserting, deleting, and searching a BST.

